Designs that
Social Responsibility

Bright Futures

In this ever-evolving world, we strive for our sustainability practices to extend beyond building construction and positively impact people outside our immediate network. We want to nurture thriving communities, empower future generations, break down barriers to success, and give hope to those in need.


Through our deep connection to hockey, we became aware of the ambitions of our national women’s team to become semi-professional athletes. Our funding goes directly to the athletes to financially support them in coupling their high-performance training programme with their part time working careers. Since 2019 this endorsement has enabled these women to practice together more regularly and push the boundaries of female sport for the next generation.



Through our deep connection to hockey, we became aware of the ambitions of our national women’s team to become semi-professional athletes. Our funding goes directly to the athletes to financially support them in coupling their high-performance training programme with their part time working careers. Since 2019 this endorsement has enabled these women to practice together more regularly and push the boundaries of female sport for the next generation.

“My dream is to be a full time athlete and the support from Park Developments has allowed me to be as close as possible to that. It affords me the opportunity to reach my full potential as a player. The relationship we have with Park Developments is special. We are supported not only as athletes but as people. It is unmatched.”


“My dream is to be a full time athlete and the support from Park Developments has allowed me to be as close as possible to that. It affords me the opportunity to reach my full potential as a player. The relationship we have with Park Developments is special. We are supported not only as athletes but as people. It is unmatched.”


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As leaders in equal opportunity within Irish construction we wish to reflect that in our partnerships. By sponsoring the national Hockey ID team, they now have the same opportunity as our national senior teams to travel overseas and excel on the international stage. We aspire for their family members to observe the joy and friendships that arise from participating in sports and take great pride in watching the team flourish.

As leaders in equal opportunity within Irish construction we wish to reflect that in our partnerships. By sponsoring the national Hockey ID team, they now have the same opportunity as our national senior teams to travel overseas and excel on the international stage. We aspire for their family members to observe the joy and friendships that arise from participating in sports and take great pride in watching the team flourish.


As a multi-generational business that supports employment, businesses and homes, our people are integral to the company as we progress over the decades. We treat everyone with respect and dignity and provide continuous training in this regard. We are equal opportunity employers, actively supporting the inclusion of women in the construction industry. We encourage progression within the company through training and informal mentoring.



As a multi-generational business that supports employment, businesses and homes, our people are integral to the company as we progress over the decades. We treat everyone with respect and dignity and provide continuous training in this regard. We are equal opportunity employers, actively supporting the inclusion of women in the construction industry. We encourage progression within the company through training and informal mentoring.

We acknowledge that school is a critical time for young people to begin shaping their future. With this in mind, we are actively engaging with local schools to educate and inform students of the various careers available to them in the construction industry. Initiatives include presentations and interactive workshops on our projects and the broader business function. The goal is for students to explore the range of opportunities available in construction and have some understanding of the various pathways that can be taken for respective roles. Our ambition is to empower students to envision their career within our industry.

Furthermore, we have effectively implemented apprenticeships, internships, and mentoring initiatives to nurture local young talent. Notably, most of our internships have led to subsequent employment within our organisation.  There are strong parallels between the skillsets required in our industry and those encouraged through a STEM education of problem-solving and real-world application. This correlation, along with our passion for equal opportunity, motivated participation in the Irish ‘STEM passport for Inclusion’ mentoring programme.

We acknowledge that school is a critical time for young people to begin shaping their future. With this in mind, we are actively engaging with local schools to educate and inform students of the various careers available to them in the construction industry. Initiatives include presentations and interactive workshops on our projects and the broader business function. The goal is for students to explore the range of opportunities available in construction and have some understanding of the various pathways that can be taken for respective roles. Our ambition is to empower students to envision their career within our industry.

Furthermore, we have effectively implemented apprenticeships, internships, and mentoring initiatives to nurture local young talent. Notably, most of our internships have led to subsequent employment within our organisation.  There are strong parallels between the skillsets required in our industry and those encouraged through a STEM education of problem-solving and real-world application. This correlation, along with our passion for equal opportunity, motivated participation in the Irish ‘STEM passport for Inclusion’ mentoring programme.


At Park Developments, we know the importance of giving back to the communities we serve. We’re proud to invest in initiatives that bring people together and enrich the fabric of our neighbourhoods. Creating vibrant, liveable spaces is at the heart of what we do. Through placemaking initiatives, and designing eco-friendly developments, we’re enhancing the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

We provide local sponsorships to the GAA and athletics clubs to support our young people in staying active. We promote biodiversity by implementing eco-parks within all developments and we support local artists by exhibiting their pieces on our sites. These are only a few examples of our efforts to contribute positively to the lives of our neighbours. We want the people occupying the spaces where we build, to see us as active members of their community.



At Park Developments, we know the importance of giving back to the communities we serve. We’re proud to invest in initiatives that bring people together and enrich the fabric of our neighbourhoods. Creating vibrant, liveable spaces is at the heart of what we do. Through placemaking initiatives, and designing eco-friendly developments, we’re enhancing the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

We provide local sponsorships to the GAA and athletics clubs to support our young people in staying active. We promote biodiversity by implementing eco-parks within all developments and we support local artists by exhibiting their pieces on our sites. These are only a few examples of our efforts to contribute positively to the lives of our neighbours. We want the people occupying the spaces where we build, to see us as active members of their community.


Throughout the last decade we have supported several charities through funding, access to our resources, and by our people volunteering their time and skills to increase our social impact in communities across Dublin. Most notably making bespoke changes to houses we have built for an improved quality of life.

In recent years we have become passionate in raising funds for Focus Ireland, a homelessness charity. As home builders we are acutely aware of the homelessness crisis in Ireland, and whilst providing homes is our primary role we also see the importance of supporting the homelessness services provided by Focus Ireland. Being part of their annual ‘Shine a Light Night’ has allowed Park Developments to aid in increasing awareness of their fantastic work. In this partnership we are seeking new opportunities to add help using our expertise and resources.



Throughout the last decade we have supported several charities through funding, access to our resources, and by our people volunteering their time and skills to increase our social impact in communities across Dublin. Most notably making bespoke changes to houses we have built for an improved quality of life.

In recent years we have become passionate in raising funds for Focus Ireland, a homelessness charity. As home builders we are acutely aware of the homelessness crisis in Ireland, and whilst providing homes is our primary role we also see the importance of supporting the homelessness services provided by Focus Ireland. Being part of their annual ‘Shine a Light Night’ has allowed Park Developments to aid in increasing awareness of their fantastic work. In this partnership we are seeking new opportunities to add help using our expertise and resources.

Anam Cara is a national charity providing support to the 2,500 families affected by the loss of a child each year in Ireland. We proudly support their work in providing services to bereaved parents with an annual donation. This continuous commitment resonates deeply with us reflecting our commitment to family values.

Making significant charitable donations to LauraLynn Children’s hospice and Children’s Health Foundation Crumlin, reflects the desire we have for creating a lasting impact in aiding the sustainability of two compelling Irish charities.

Anam Cara is a national charity providing support to the 2,500 families affected by the loss of a child each year in Ireland. We proudly support their work in providing services to bereaved parents with an annual donation. This continuous commitment resonates deeply with us reflecting our commitment to family values.

Making significant charitable donations to LauraLynn Children’s hospice and Children’s Health Foundation Crumlin, reflects the desire we have for creating a lasting impact in aiding the sustainability of two compelling Irish charities.